so.. I’m not sure about your example
DagBags used in the case when you need to add DAGs from directories outside ‘dag’ folder. And not as just add python modules to use in imports. But as separate DAGs.
So, in your example, you just add a path in sys.paths — it mean you get possible import python module/package in scope of airflow. But it’s is not push Airflow Worker parse fail in DAG folder. So if I put DAG in folder
and just add it in sys.path as showed in your example — it will not add DAGs from /home/any_folder_outside_airflow to airflow, because it just added this folder to sys.path
At least, to get chance make it work in your example — you need to call interpreter to execute added files, because in you way it just add it to path, it’s not read as DAG file, Airflow does not run on all packages that included in PYTHONPATH to find a DAG.